Newlight Technologies Stock

newlight.comIndustrial / MaterialsFounded: 2003Funding to Date: $375.96MM

Newlight is a biotechnology company that developed AirCarbon: a regenerative, ocean-degradable material that is being used to replace synthetic plastic and fibers to help solve plastics pollution and climate change.

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News Highlights

What Solugen’s new factory means for the future of green chemicals
Houston-based Solugen has announced plans for a second sustainable molecule factory, Bioforge 2, in Marshall, Minnesota. The new facility will produce a range of products, including plant nutrients and corrosion inhibitors, without generating carbon emissions or waste. The move signals a significant shift for the chemicals industry, which is under pressure to reduce its carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels. The global green chemicals market, valued at $82.5bn in 2022, is projected to grow by 12.1% annually until 2030.
The Week’s 10 Biggest Funding Rounds: John Chambers’ Nile, Newlight Technologies Light The Way
The article discusses the top 10 funding rounds of the week. Nile, a networking startup co-founded by former Cisco Systems executives John Chambers and Pankaj Patel, raised a $175 million Series C. Newlight Technologies, which converts greenhouse gases into usable material, received $125 million in funding. Other companies mentioned include Jerry, CG Oncology, Healthmap Solutions, Tisento Therapeutics, LightForce Orthodontics, Endor Labs, Tradeshift, and Kyverna Therapeutics.
Newlight Technologies Closes US$125M Funding Round
Newlight Technologies, a decarbonization technology company, has secured $125m in an equity funding round. The round, which saw participation from GenZero, Oxy Low Carbon Ventures, Charter Next Generation and others, will enable Newlight to expand production of its high-performance AirCarbon-based materials. The company has also finalized development agreements with Charter Next Generation and Oxy Low Carbon Ventures to advance its decarbonization efforts.
Updated on: May 19, 2024


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